Ironically, the consistency of message that makes Bernie Sanders a great candidate for President of the United States could also be the biggest barrier to his actually getting there.

The ultimate low came last week when all three major American news networks showed their viewers an empty podium even as Senator
Sanders was delivering a speech to another of the throngs of thousands who have
come out every time he has taken a stage.
I was therefore delighted today to see Reuters posting not
one but two significant reports on Senator Sanders’ thrashing of
Hillary Clinton in Saturday’s Democratic caucuses in Alaska, Washington, and Hawaii.
Beyond just reporting on the horse race in the Democratic primary, Reuters even
provided a reasonable synopsis of the Sanders message and how it has resonated:
[Sanders] has energized the party's liberal base and young voters with his calls to rein in Wall Street and fight income inequality, a message that resonated in liberal Washington and other Western states. Sanders won in Utah and Idaho this week.
So why is the media ignoring this guy? Recently, once I
had finished pounding my fists at the injustice of this infuriating fact of the
2016 campaign, I found myself looking back, as I often do when the media is
involved, to my years in journalism school. En route to the Journalism degree I
earned in 1983, one of the foundational lessons we learned was around the
concept of newsworthiness, the
central question being, What makes a
story newsworthy? That is, What makes
one story more worthy of the air time or ink it will get than any of the other
stories one could broadcast or publish? You can Google this now (“newsworthiness
factors” were the terms I used), and you’ll come up with some combination of the
lessons I was taught back in journalism school: Newsworthiness is based on
factors like timeliness, proximity, significance,
conflict, and human interest.
Various practitioners use varying terms, but the general ideas are the same,
and some of these factors appear on virtually every journalism teacher’s list. But the one that I always recall first—and, perhaps not coincidentally, the one
that appears first on every list I found on Google—is timeliness.
So what is timeliness? I found this super succinct definition that I think captures it well:
Some of you know where I’m going with this. How can the
media’s penchant for timeliness work against a candidate who draws tens of thousands
to his rallies every day? Well, that’s
the problem. He draws huge, adoring crowds every
day. Now, if suddenly a fight broke out in one of those crowds, boom, now
you’ve got a story! Even more than that, though: Bernie Sanders is perhaps the most consistent politician in the history of our democracy in terms of the
issues he has pursued and the message he has been promoting. He has been
calling out corporate greed and a two-party system that shamelessly disenfranchises
its own citizens ever since he was elected Mayor of Burlington, VT, in 1981. In
a recent report, Rachel Maddow not only shows viewers the remarkable consistency
of the Sanders message, she also shows how the national news media went to
Burlington and sought out Mayor Sanders twice in the 1980s, when he was a
relative unknown, and his message was therefore new and noteworthy.